Outlier - any person or thing that lies, dwells, exists, etc. away from the expected place. It's a term used in statistics to note that which falls away from the average; that which falls to the extreme edges, skewing the statistics. Outlier - what I aspire to be.
There are many voices of the 'norm': the voices of authority, parents, culture and beliefs. In my personal life some of these voices of authority have to do with my health and well-being, my prognosis with cancer, my prognosis in life. These are the voices of averages. I do my best to not listen to these voices that attempt to predict my unknown future, and instead I try to cultivate the outlook of an outlier.
Music helps. A defiant attitude helps. This song by Los Lonely Boys gives me a raucous beat to move my body to, plus some lyrics with attitude. If I could tell them, I'd let these young guys know that their song here has helped me many a day, to feel a little stronger when I'm feeling weak, a little tougher when I'm feeling soft, and a little stronger in my own voice when the voices of conformity start squawking loudly.
Turn the volume up and get up and move - strut across the room with some bad-ass attitude. It's good for you. If not now, when? Enjoy....
My Way
I don't need no fortune
I don't need no fame
That's all just an illusion
To me it don't mean a thing
You can try and deceive me
But I see right through your skin
And what you're trying to tell me
Is something I don't believe in
Don't tell me how to live my life
Don't tell me how to pray
Don't tell me how to sing my song
Don't tell me what to say
Cuz I believe that miracles
happen every day
I don't care what you say,
I'm gonna do it my way
You say you have all the answers
And I should do it your way
How many times do I have to tell you
I ain't no puppet on a string
Listen to me...
Don't tell me how to live my life
Don't tell me how to pray
Don't tell me how to sing my song
Don't tell me what to say
Cuz I believe that miracles
happen every day
I don't care what you say,
I'm gonna do it my way
I'm gonna do it my way
What'd you say
Don't tell me how to live my life
Don't tell me how to pray
Don't tell me how to sing my song
Don't tell me what to say
Don't tell me how to live my life
Don't tell me how to pray
Don't tell me how to sing my song
Don't tell me what to say
Cuz I believe that miracles
happen every day
I don't care what you say
I'm gonna do it my way
I'm gonna do it my way
Ohhhhhhh I'm gonna do it my way
Man I dig that picture. Oops I just stole it.
Love the music! Love the picture! Love the attitude! Keep it comin'!
Love the picture and the attitude! Way to go! The music is awesome and fits you to a T!!
Have a great week!!!
Thanks for the encouragement all.
Oh-oh, encouraging me can be dangerous!
Too late now!
thanks for dropping by and checking in with this crazy ol' fool!
el p
Great song. I believe that miracles happen every day.
By the way, have you seen this video? Don't know if you met him in person but this is Pastor Michael under that hooded sweatshirt. Always makes me smile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VacmJ1ZTYLE
LOVE the picture and the music, I got up off my ass and danced with attitude.
Miracles do happen, I know.
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